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Control Tower

Control Tower views

Control Tower 1950
ATC level in 1950.This view shows what is believed to be the local W.I. being given a guided tour. This floor is now the Approach Radar room.
Control Tower 1962
Inside Tower Visual Control Room (VCR) ~ 1960, just after the installation of the VCR. Facing the camera are two ATC assistants, Mr Walter Collister (on left) and Mr. Dougie Clucas, talking to Airport Fireman Mr Davey Young. The TWR controller on the right is Mr. Joe Kearney. The tall desk at the back is the lighting control panel.
Control Tower 1963
Inside VCR ~ 1966, showing TWR controllers position on left. The TWR controller is Mr Theo. Watterson, stood behind the desk are the Senior ATCO Mr. Fred Beagle (on left), alongside the Airport Director, Mr. Eric Cheshire, with the ATC assistant in the foreground.
Control Tower 1992
TWR controller, Mr Jake Huxley, with assistant Mr. Phil. Richmond in background, 1993.
Control Tower 1995
Desk and equipment installed in 1995. This desk incorporates positions and equipment for 2 controllers and an assistant.


Excerpts from

Manx Aviation in War and Peace published by kind permission of The Manx Experience